Articles – requested electronically from Online Databases (EbscoHost, ArticleFirst, etc.)
E-mail – If item/article is not found on available databases, send description/citation to Interlibrary Loan at
Due to limited availability of current textbooks and a lending period shorter than a semester, (normally 4 weeks) we will no longer process requests for these items. In recent semesters, there were several instances where the BC Library jeopardized its borrowing privileges with primary lending libraries. Because borrowed textbooks were so overdue, our privileges were suspended. In order to provide this service it is necessary for us to be on good terms with the other libraries with which we do business. Please note that with the exception of textbooks, we will continue to procure all other types of materials, (books, articles, DVDs, Videos, etc.)
No cost to patron for loans, copies or overdue items.
Replacement costs charged if item is not returned.
Photocopies – no due date
Returnable items – 1 month (Renewals at the discretion of lending library)